"Love means never having to say you're sorry"

Rich guy meets poor girl, and they happily lived ever after...Not! Okay so maybe it sounds like a typical romance but leave space for astonishment for every story has its surprise.  Ryan O'Neal (Oliver Barrett IV) and Ali McGraw (Jennifer Cavalleri) stars in this great flick set in the early 1970 's when social networking sites haven't existed yet and your only method of meeting interesting people is by practically seeing someone face to face.

Oliver Barrett bumps into a student librarian in this college and their feisty (and funny) verbal clash lead one thing to another.  To a young  college man, what more could he ask for if he has a hot chick, above-average grades and good looks? Probably nothing else but his parent's nod of his new (poor) girl.  Such is their love  that nothing in their way could ever stop them from getting tied to each to other.  However, every tale has its unexpected turn of events.  Because of his parents' disapproval, they strived hard for their own money (all the while studying and providing for their own tuition fees) plus, the tension between father and son slightly challenging their marriage.

Love story, I think is titled this way since it clearly is typical. But still, this is in a class on its own for many reasons. Their funny lines thrown at each other as well as their witty pickup lines at the beginning of the story is truly unforgettable. Although the theme is a sad one, their dialogues seem to bring spice to the whole thing. Not to forget their sizzling bed scene and great on-screen appeal together. They are opposites but they proved that they attract.

I don't know if it's just me or the movie's score is so melancholic. Hey, don't get me wrong, I like it just the way it is. The background music, indeed, sets the mood for a sad ending but the fact is--its a sad and happy ending (depending on how you view it).

It's true that relationships whether it be platonic or romantic always has something important to teach us.  Their oh-so-famous line "Love means never having to say I'm sorry" is so meaningful that its appeal echoes up to this decade.  If the writer's goal was to teach us something important about human relationships then he did a good job at it.

Love stories come and go but this one stood three decades and still is amazing! It clearly is a classic.

Score: 5 out of 5

Director: Arthur Hiller
Stars: Ali MacGraw, Ryan O'Neal and John Marley
Writer: Erich Segal