"I'm not a smart man... but I know what love is."

Once in a blue moon, there comes a movie which makes us watch it again and again (and again). I confess to be a fanatic. Forrest Gump is based on a novel by Winston Groom. I haven't read about the author before but c'mon who would not watch something where Tom Hanks will play as the leading role?

It is a drama or shall I say comedy-I'm torn between the two ideas, about an extraordinary person (an idiot) who proves his worth to the world. The setting was Alabama however, he traveled across the US. It is quite entertaining since the viewer is lead to believe that the story is based on a real life character.  The movie trailer is so familiar and "Run Forrest run" became so popular. He can outrun and outlast anybody. His running ability proved to be of many uses--even saving lives.  His moves became an inspiration to a very talented celebrity. Forrest also inspired a t-shirt design. This guy's amazing! Oh and one more thing, this is a tear-jerker too.

One good thing to note is the Alabama accent. I heard of a few authentic people who speak it and Tom Hanks is quite good. He was consistent and sounded natural although I'm not sure if the director or the author intended that the lead role's impression will be more effective by speaking that accent.  The musical score from beginning to end is something. It just complemented the theme of the film.  I enjoyed it so much that I learned to play the piano piece myself.

Tom Hanks nailed it as usual,  he is definitely a star to be reckoned with. Gary Sinise (Lt. Dan) who's with Forrest most of the time, spiced up the movie.  He acted like he really had amputated legs.  Unknown to many, the director of this movie shares the same credit for "Back to the future" and " Who framed Roger Rabbit".  Robert diversified into a dramatic movie but success just know where to find him.  Needless to say, this partnership of Tom Hanks and Robert Lee Zemeckis is one hell of a team. This award-winning movie is for everybody: no scenes needed to be erased.  For the record, I haven't heard anyone I know who complained about it.  I myself, watched it a couple of times, in fact I viewed it whenever I liked it.  It is a well thought-of story and deserves to be compared with the classics. His way of speaking and the flow of the story got me entertained and as an instantly converted fan, I read the novel as well. Turns out that a lot of details in the book is not shown in the picture but it still is a very very entertaining film. The fact is, the novel itself got Forrest narrate his story from beginning to end and that got me hooked.  It even has a sequel to the novel and I'm wondering why Forrest Gump didn't have a part 2. Hence, I recommend the movie and the book. Four thumbs up!

Score: 5 out of 5

Director>> Robert Zemeckis
Stars>> Tom Hanks, Robin Wright and Gary Sinise
Writers>> Winston Groom(novel), Eric Roth(screenplay)