"Doctor Marcia Fieldstone: Tell me what was so special about your wife? Sam Baldwin:Well, how long is your program? Well it was a million tiny little things that, when you added them all up, they meant we were suppose to be together...and I knew it. I knew it the very first time I touched her. It was like coming home...only to no home I'd ever known...I was just taking her hand to help her out a car and I knew. It was like...magic"

'Twas the 90s and an epic movie sprouted to give the hopeless romantics a new film to adore.  Sleepless in Seattle was such a hit back in the days that if someone was asked about his/her favorite movie (in a slambook) then this must be it. Sam (Tom Hanks) lost his wife and is experiencing the lowest low of his life when his son can't help himself but call for help. The thing is, the call was publicized and reached a gazillion of ladies listening on the radio that lonely night. Letters came in by the hundreds and Sam didn't pay attention to it. An Affair to Remember was mentioned so many times, Meg Ryan watched it and I was encouraged to follow suit.

Seattle complements Sam's state of emotion. The rainy season (which takes place 9 months in a year in this city) gave an adequate description of how the lead star felt.  The rain can truly make most people be romantic as well.

Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan creates this ambience of unmistakable romance on the screen, this is not the first time (actually more movies followed). Prior to this project they teamed up in Joe Versus the Volcano, another one I appreciated too.  Sam does well in expressing his sentiments about his wife, detailing how she makes him contented and Annie reacts so naturally to Sam's thoughts.  Sam's character seems to be a type majority of women admired while Annie is like how most women think about marriage and finding the right better half.  A lot of people can relate to this movie giving it a reason to be a box office hit. Rarely does something like it comes up.  Love scenes were not present here and interaction was so limited, none the less, the story itself is so brilliant.

Score: 4 out of 5

Director>> Nora Ephron
Writers>> Jeff Arch(story), Nora Ephron(screenplay)
Stars: Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan, and Ross Malinger